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Exhibitor - FAQ

Booth Reservation Process


  • Reserve exhibit space online: Open the Exhibit Sales form to reserve your spot; see the real time floor plan; sold booths, their occupants; and an exhibitor list.
  • Credit cards and ACH/wire transfer payments only. No Checks.
  • There will be a non-refundable 3% fee for all credit card transactions
  • Once booth reservation has been finalized, an email will arrive containing the link and login credentials for you to register you booth staff.



Rates Prior to March 3

  • Commercial Exhibitor Booths - $1,250
  • Commercial Exhibitor Prime Booth - $1,550
  • Non-profit/Government Booth Option - $1,000
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Booth $1,250
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,550


Rates After March 3

  • Commercial Exhibitor Booth $1,500
  • Commercial Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,800
  • Non-profit/Government Booth Option $1,300
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Booth $1,500
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,800

Please note:

  • Non-profit/Government discount booth option does not allow picking your booth location, one will be assigned in May
  • State Government agencies using the non-profit government rate - please choose preferred booth locations from the State Circle area of the expo floor plan. This area is set aside for you
  • Prime locations: There are a limited number of prime endcap locations for a higher fee. Prime locations incur an additional $300 fee
  • Community Partners will be located in the Partner Place area of the hall
  • Municipal Exhibitors are welcome to exhibit in the Expo Hall at the non-profit/government rate or be part of the MML Main Street event showcasing our municipalities on Tuesday, June 24. See MML Main Street details here

Vehicle and Equipment Displays


  • All display vehicles and equipment will be located inside Expo Hall C
  • Smaller vehicles and equipment may be located in Hall AB with prior authorization. Contact MML for details
  • Vehicle and equipment display move in will be Sunday between 8 and 12 p.m.
  • Vehicles may move in on the Friday or Saturday prior to conference with approval by Convention Center. Contact MML to confirm and arrange a move in time
  • Vehicles not prepared to enter during this time may be allowed into the hall only at the discretion of the convention center
  • Vehicles and equipment dimensions must be provided during booth registration and must easily fit within your booth space(s) along with your booth staff and display
  • MML must be notified of accurate dimensions in advance to ensure your equipment will have access to your booth space on move-in day. Contact MML for more details and options


Staff Registration


  • Booth staff registration is completed online via the Exhibitor Service Center (ESC). Link and Login may be found on your booth confirmation email once your booth reservation is complete
  • Each booth includes two registrations
  • Each booth registration includes lunches/breaks on Monday and Tuesday along with the Sunday evening Welcome Reception, the Tuesday afternoon MML Main Street event, and the Tuesday evening Block Party.
  • Up to three additional booth staff registrations may be added to your booth. $350 each, includes lunches, breaks, the Welcome, MML Main Street, and Block Party receptions
  • Booth staff have access to conference general sessions, meals, and receptions however not to training workshops. You may register as an attendee to gain full access
  • Your badge will serve as your ticket for all meal events.
  • Registrants must all be 21+ years of age
  • Booth staff information can be entered and modified in the ESC any time prior to May 31



Location: The Roland E. Powell Convention Center, 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842

  • Booths are 10’ x 10’ and located in Expo Halls A, B & C. Each booth contains a skirted table (6’ x 30”), two chairs, a trash receptacle, internet access, and a 500 watt outlet.
  • Freight handling, labor assistance, carpeting, dedicated internet access, etc., may be arranged for an additional charge directly with the Convention Center. The Expo Service and Rental Order Form containing these items/charges and will be placed on the MML website and emailed prior to conference.
  • Booth displays must be contained within the 10’ x 10’ booth space and not exceed 8’ in height. Displays along the exterior walls may extend to a height of 15’ provided the display does not block or hide the view of other booths.


Move-in: Sunday, June 22, between 12 and 4 p.m.

Badges are not required during move in hours

Come to the Expo registration desk located inside the Expo hall to collect your credentials

Please adhere to the assigned move in time slots to avoid delays at the loading docks

Expo Hours: Monday, June 23, and Tuesday, June 24 - 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (tentative)

Tear down: Tuesday, June 24, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Once packed up, we encourage you to attend two popular Tuesday networking events: MML Main Street at 4 p.m. and the Block Party at 5 p.m.


Vehicle Move-in: Sunday, June 22 between 8 and 12 p.m. Contact MML for alternate move in times.





MANAGEMENT: “Management” is the Maryland Municipal League (MML), the MML Chief Executive Officer, or agents and employees acting in the Management of the MML Summer Conference.


ELIGIBLE EXHIBITORS: The exhibit hall is for products, equipment, or professional services that are related to the interests of local city and town governments and is subject to limited space. MML is a non-partisan and non-religious organization, and exhibitors, including conference sponsors, should or must refrain from promoting religious or partisan interests. Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine the eligibility of any applicant to be an Exhibitor or Sponsor. Management further reserves the right to decline, prohibit, deny access, or remove any exhibit which in its sole judgment is contrary to the character, objectives, and best interests of the Expo or Management.


EXHIBIT SPACE RESERVATIONS: Applicants shall complete the online exhibit application in its entirety. Management will consider allocation of exhibit space in the order that fully paid applications are received. Real time Expo floor plan and exhibit spaces, sold, available, or reserved may be found on the floor plan at Display equipment and vehicles will be located in Hall C and must fit easily within your booth space along with your display and staff. Once your online booth registration is complete and payment received, a confirmation e-mail will immediately be sent to the e-mail address provided. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact MML.


REGISTRATION: Each exhibitor is entitled to register two representatives from its company or agency as part of each booth fee. Up to three additional exhibit personnel may be added per booth at $350 each (includes meals/receptions). Staff names must be provided online via the Exhibitor Service Center (ESC) prior to May 31 to ensure credentials will be available upon arrival. Details and login information to the Exhibitor Service Center will be emailed after the booth reservation is complete. Booth personnel must wear MML’s current year conference name badge at all times. All exhibitors must have at least one person staffing their booth during the hours the Expo halls are open. Additional personnel and registration changes may be completed up to May 31 via the ESC. Additional registrations or changes requested after June 9 will not be available. Expo halls will be open for business on June 23 and 24.


STAFF ACCESS: Registered booth staff may attend conference general sessions but not training workshops. To attend conference workshops, one must register as a full conference attendee. Booth staff are encouraged to participate in MML’s three conference receptions designed to provide exhibitors with multiple networking opportunities to build upon engagement in the Expo halls. These include the Sunday evening Welcome reception, the MML Main Street event Tuesday afternoon immediately after the Expo closes, and the Tuesday evening Block Party.


PAYMENT OF FEES: Exhibitors and advertisers must pay the full amount due when reserving a booth. Booth reservations will not be secured until full payment is received by the League. Payment may be made by ACH/wire transfer, American Express, Discover, MasterCard or VISA. ACH payments must be made within ten business days of submitting your booth application. Hardcopy checks will not be accepted. Credit card payments will incur a 3% processing fee. If booth space is not fully paid by May 1, the booth will be released to other exhibitors.


TERMS: All exhibit contracts must be received by May 15, 2025, to ensure you are included in the promotional materials and have a booth sign. If applicable, advertising fees must be paid in full at the time of submission of the booth contract. Ads not meeting required specs will not be accepted. The deadline for advertising contracts is June 9 in order to receive the discounted exhibitor ad rate. By submitting a booth application, you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the League and also of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center.


CANCELLATION: Applications and payments to reserve booth space are subject to Management’s cancellation policy. Requests to cancel an exhibit booth application must be submitted in writing to by May 15, 2025. 50% of the booth payment is non-refundable. Requests received by this date will be issued a 50% refund of the booth fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellation requests submitted after May 15, 2025.




INSTALLATION AND DISMANTLING: The expo set-up hours are 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday June 22. Exhibitors will be allowed to enter the expo area on Sunday, June 22 only during set-up hours. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Conference badges are not required for installation or breakdown.


Last minute, non-vehicle, set up may occur on Monday between 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. You must notify MML in advance if you plan to move in Monday morning. The exhibition opens at 10:00 a.m. on June 23 after the official ribbon cutting event.


Breaking down the booth before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24, 2025, is not allowed. Exhibitors understand that doing so will be noted and will result in a letter to the exhibiting company informing them that they will not be invited back next year. Booths must be completely dismantled by 4:00 p.m. on June 24.


VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT: Exhibitors with vehicles/equipment displays will move in June 22 between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. If the vehicle/equipment is not ready to drive into the hall during this time, entrance to the hall is at the discretion of the Convention Center staff. Vehicles/equipment along with your display and staff must easily fit within the purchased booth space or you will not be allowed into the hall. All large display vehicles and equipment will be located inside Hall C. Contact MML for earlier vehicle move in options.


FREIGHT/RENTALS/SERVICES: Freight shipments, requests for labor, electricity, carpeting, internet access, etc. Arrangements for these items must be made directly with the Ocean City Convention Center, (410) 289-8311, prior to MML’s conference. An Exhibitor Service Request and Rental Order Form will be available on the MML website and emailed to all exhibitors prior to MML’s conference.


EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITY. Exhibitor shall be liable for all storage and handling charges resulting from Exhibitor’s failure to remove exhibit materials before conclusion of the dismantling period. Exhibitors requesting the scrapping of any exhibit material shall pay any expenses involved.




CONSENT TO USE OF IMAGES: Registration and attendance at, or participation in this Conference constitutes an irrevocable agreement by the exhibitor to Management to use and distribute their image, logo, and marks in photographs, videotapes, and electronic reproductions of such events and activities for advertising, commercial promotion, or other purposes, without limitation and for no additional compensation.


FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Exhibitors shall not sell, give away, use, or distribute food or beverage without the express prior written consent and authorization of the Convention Center and Convention Center’s food service concessionaire (410.723.8619). Exhibitors are subject to food and beverage related costs from convention center’s concessionaire.


ATTENDANCE: Management shall have sole control over admission policies.


SECURITY: Uniformed security personnel will control the traffic flow during expo move-in and move-out periods. Uniformed security personnel will also be at the entrance to the expo areas and will patrol the expo areas during expo hours. Expo areas will be locked during the hours when the expo is not open. However, neither the Maryland Municipal League nor the Roland E. Powell Convention Center is responsible for any material, articles, or equipment in the expo. Small or easily portable articles of value should be properly secured or removed for safekeeping after expo hours.


FLAMMABLE MATERIALS. Exhibitor shall use no flammable fluids, substances, or materials of any nature that are prohibited by national, state, or municipal regulations.


SAFETY DEVICES. Exhibitors shall comply with national, state, and municipal regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices. Exhibitor shall comply with national, state, and municipal requirements for the operation of any equipment. Exhibitors shall obtain approval from Management for the use or display of any electrical, mechanical, or chemical device, which might be hazardous in a place of public assembly.


USE OF MML NAME. Exhibitor understands that acceptance by Management for exhibitor to participate in the Expo Hall in no way implies endorsement by Management of exhibitor’s products, equipment, or professional services. Exhibitor agrees not to use MML’s name in correspondence or other written materials without the advance written approval of MML, except to identify Exhibitor’s participation in the Expo Hall.


INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Exhibitor shall release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Management from any claims for property damage, personal injury, or death brought against Management as a result of acts, errors, or omissions of Exhibitor, its agents, or employees. Exhibitor shall release and hold harmless Management from loss, theft, damage, or destruction of Exhibitor’s goods and from any claim for injury to Exhibitor, its representatives, or employees while on the premises of the MML Summer Conference, unless such claims are solely caused by Management. Exhibitor shall release and hold harmless Management from any claim for damage to Exhibitor’s business by reason of the failure to provide space for the exhibit or the removal of the exhibit or for failure to hold the summer conference as scheduled.


DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Exhibitors shall be liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls, columns, standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitor property. Exhibitors shall not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive, or any other coating to building columns, floors, or standard booth equipment. No nails, bracing wires, tacks, hooks, screws, staples, or tape may be attached to walls, floors, or Convention Center furnishings or equipment. All property destroyed or damaged by exhibitors must be replaced to its original condition by the exhibitor at their expense.


CONFERENCE CANCELATION: In the event of cancelation of the Summer Conference due to causes beyond Management’s control, Management may retain such part of the Exhibitor’s rental as shall be required to recompense Management for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred.




DISPLAYS: Exhibitors’ displays may not obstruct the aisles or other exhibit booths. Booth displays must not exceed the 10’ x10’ booth space or exceed 8’ in height. MML and the Convention Center reserve the right to alter or remove exhibit displays that obstruct an adjoining booth or interferes with the general view ”down the aisle”. Displays along exterior walls may extend to a height of 15’ provided the display does not block or hide the view of other booths. Exhibitors are not allowed to: sublet booth space, share booth space with another company or agency, or sell their booth space to another company or agency. Hospitality rooms may not be open during scheduled conference activities.



RELOCATION OF EXHIBITS: Management reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to alter locations of Exhibitors or of booths as shown on the official floor plan if deemed advisable in the best interest of the Conference. The Expo hall floor plan is subject to change. MML reserves the right to assign/re-assign exhibit space at any time to best meet the needs of this event.


ADDITIONAL RULES/RESTRICTIONS: Exhibitors shall not distribute advertising matter outside of the Exhibitor’s rented space. Exhibitor’s furnishings shall be contained within the confines of its booth. MML reserves the right to at its own discretion, restrict, remove, redress, or eliminate at the exhibitor’s expense, any objectionable exhibits, persons, advertisements, souvenirs, or any other feature or activity that might harm or impair the high standard of MML’s conference. Exhibitor representatives wearing distinctive costumes or uniforms, or carrying banners or signs separately or as a part of their apparel, shall not appear at the Conference other than in their own booths. Exhibitors will comply with MML’s Anti-Harassment Policy or other conduct standards applicable to conference attendees. Exhibitors shall take no payment for products or services of any kind in the Expo hall. Any outside events (hospitality rooms, receptions, etc.) planned by exhibitors are not allowed to conflict with Management’s conference schedule. Management reserves the right to prohibit exhibitors from exhibiting at future conferences should they fail to comply with these rules.


DEFAULT OF OCCUPANCY. Exhibitor failing to occupy contracted-for space is not relieved of the obligation of paying the full rental of such space as provided for in this contract. If Exhibitor fails to occupy contracted-for space at the time set for completion of installation of exhibits, 4:30 p.m. on Sunday June 22, space may be forfeited to Management, in which case the Exhibitor shall pay the full rental for such space. No refunds. Management reserves the right to re-let such space. Original Exhibitor in such cases shall be liable in the amount and to the extent of the loss incurred by Management in re-letting.




AMENDMENT TO RULES. Management may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to Exhibit Rules, provided that such changes, amendments, or additions shall not operate to substantially diminish rights reserved to the Exhibitor and shall not operate to substantially increase the liability of the Exhibitor.


AGREEMENT TO RULES: Each Exhibitor, for its company and its employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and by any amendments or additions that may be established or put into effect by Management.


MML reserves the right to modify these regulations at any time to ensure the quality of our conference and the safety of our attendees.

Each booth includes:


Two registrations (includes Monday and Tuesday lunches/breaks, general sessions, the Sunday evening Welcome reception, the Tuesday afternoon MML Main Street event, and the Tuesday evening Block Party)

Up to three additional booth staff registrations may be purchased per booth ($350 each, includes all meal events) prior to event.

Each booth includes a draped table (30" wide x 30" high x 6'' long), two chairs, trash can, and a 500 watt outlet. Internet access is available. If your display relies on the internet please contact the convention center to confirm connection.

Booth spaces are 10' x 10' pipe and drape (8 feet high along back, 3 feet high on both sides).

Booth Rates Prior to March 3

  • Commercial Exhibitor Booths - $1,250
  • Commercial Exhibitor Prime Booth - $1,550
  • Non-profit/Government Booth Option - $1,000
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Booth $1,250
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,550


Booth Rates After March 3

  • Commercial Exhibitor Booth $1,500
  • Commercial Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,800
  • Non-profit/Government Booth Option $1,300
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Booth $1,500
  • Community Partner Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,800


Please note:

Non-profit/Government discount booth option does not allow picking your booth location, one will be assigned in May. Preferences welcome. If you prefer to pick a booth location, choose the commercial booth type option.

State Government agencies using the non-profit government rate - please chose preferred booth locations from the State Circle area of the expo floor plan. This area is set aside for you.

Prime locations: There are a limited number of prime endcap locations for a higher fee. Prime locations incur an additional $300 fee.

Community Partners will be located in the Partner Place area of the hall.

Municipal Exhibitors are welcome to exhibit in the Expo Hall at the non-profit/government rate or be part of the MML Main Street event showcasing municipalities on Tuesday, June 24. See MML Main Street details here.

Credit card and ACH/wire transfer payments accepted, no hardcopy checks. Credit card payments will incur a non refundable 3% transaction fee.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Build your brand, enhance your presence in person and online year-round. Become a sponsor. This is an excellent way to inform Maryland’s cities and towns you want to do business with them. You have the services, products, and expertise they need.
Conference sponsor recognition complements your booth exposure, but you do not have to be an exhibitor to be a sponsor.
Please view details here or contact Felica Banuelos at 410-295-9118 or email Felicia Banuelos for details.

Booth and Staff Reservation Process


  • Reserve exhibit space online: Open the Exhibit Sales form to reserve your spot; see the real time floor plan; sold booths, their occupants; and an exhibitor list.
  • Credit cards and ACH/wire transfer payments only. No Checks.
  • There will be an additional non refundable 3% fee for all credit card transactions
  • Once booth reservation has been finalized, an email will arrive containing the link and login credentials for you to register you booth staff.



Booth Rates Prior to March 3

Commercial Exhibitor Booths - $1,250

Commercial Exhibitor Prime Booth - $1,550

Non-profit/Government Booth Option - $1,000

Community Partner Exhibitor Booth $1,250

Community Partner Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,550


Booth Rates After March 3

Commercial Exhibitor Booth $1,500

Commercial Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,800

Non-profit/Government Booth Option $1,300

Community Partner Exhibitor Booth $1,500

Community Partner Exhibitor Prime Booth $1,800


Please note:

Non-profit/Government discount booth option: This does not allow picking your booth location, one will be assigned in May. You may choose the commercial rate and pick your actual booth location if preferred.

State Government agencies using the non-profit government rate: Please choose your preferred booth locations from the State Circle area of the expo floor plan. This area is set aside for you.

Prime locations: There are a limited number of prime higher traffic endcap locations. Prime locations incur an additional $300 fee.

Community Partners: Partners will be located in the Partner Place area of the Expo hall.

Payments: ACH/wire transfer payment information may be found on your booth confirmation email. Credit card payments will incur a 3% processing fee. No hardcopy checks accepted.

Include your Logo: Highlight your booth with your logo
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Resolution: >600 dpi
Size Limit: 1MB

Municipal Exhibitors: Maryland municipalities and MML affiliates and are welcome to exhibit in the Expo Hall at the non-profit/government rate or be part of the MML Main Street event showcasing our municipalities on Tuesday, June 24. Only 12 spots available. See MML Main Street details here.


Staff Registration


Booth staff registration is completed online via the Exhibitor Service Center (ESC). Link and Login may be found on your booth confirmation email once your booth reservation is complete.

  • Each booth includes two registrations
  • Each booth registration includes lunches/breaks on Monday and Tuesday along with three networking receptions: Sunday evening Welcome Reception, the Tuesday afternoon MML Main Street event, and the Tuesday evening Block Party
  • Up to three additional booth staff registrations may be added to your booth. $350 each, includes lunches, breaks, and receptions
  • Booth staff do not have access to conference workshops however are encouraged to participate general sessions, meals, and receptions. You may register as an attendee to gain full access
  • Your badge will serve as your ticket for all meal events.
  • Registrants must all be 21+ years of age
  • Booth staff information can be entered and modified in the ESC any time prior to May 31



Build on relationships with current customers and secure potential new clients outside the Expo Halls.

Exhibitors are encouraged to engage at conference general sessions, lunches, via the MML app, and at all three networking receptions (included in your registration).

Take advantage of multiple opportunities to connect with hundreds of municipal officials and staff members.


Be sure to add these events to your schedule before you leave town.


  • Welcome Reception – It’s Sunday. You have set up your booth. It is now time to get things rolling at our popular conference kick-off reception. With a "Day at the ball game" theme, this is your first chance to make those key connections.
  • MML Main Street event – Immediately after the Expo moves out on Tuesday, head over to the MML Main Street event dedicated to showcasing Maryland's cities and towns. No other sessions/events occur at this time. Maryland State and MML Leadership will be in attendance before strolling over to the Block Party.
  • Block Party - You've had a busy week. You've met hundreds of new potential clients and made hundreds of contacts, it is time to wind down and mingle with local decision makers one last time before heading home.

Create a Buzz - MML App

Reach out and let folks you will be in Ocean City and now you are here. Message attendees, send photos of you and your booth, create the hype, throughout the event using the conference Mobile App. Search the app stores for Maryland Municipal League. You must be registered to access the summer conference portion of the app.

Conference Event Access:


Exhibit booth staff members are welcome to attend and network at conference general sessions, lunches, breaks, and the Welcome, the MML Main Street, and the Block Party receptions.


Booth staff do not have access to conference training workshops.


Booths must be staffed during expo business hours.10 - 3 p.m.



MANAGEMENT: “Management” is the Maryland Municipal League (MML), the MML Chief Executive Officer, or agents and employees acting in the Management of the MML Summer Conference.


ELIGIBLE EXHIBITORS: The exhibit hall is for products, equipment, or professional services that are related to the interests of local city and town governments and is subject to limited space. MML is a non-partisan and non-religious organization, and exhibitors, including conference sponsors, should or must refrain from promoting religious or partisan interests. Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine the eligibility of any applicant to be an Exhibitor or Sponsor. Management further reserves the right to decline, prohibit, deny access, or remove any exhibit which in its sole judgment is contrary to the character, objectives, and best interests of the Expo or Management.


EXHIBIT SPACE RESERVATIONS: Applicants shall complete the online exhibit application in its entirety. Management will consider allocation of exhibit space in the order that fully paid applications are received. Real time Expo floor plan and exhibit spaces, sold, available, or reserved may be found on the floor plan at Display equipment and vehicles will be located in Hall C and must fit easily within your booth space along with your display and staff. Once your online booth registration is complete and payment received, a confirmation e-mail will immediately be sent to the e-mail address provided. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact MML.


REGISTRATION: Each exhibitor is entitled to register two representatives from its company or agency as part of each booth fee. Up to three additional exhibit personnel may be added per booth at $350 each (includes meals/ receptions). Staff names must be provided online via the Exhibitor Service Center (ESC) prior to May 31 to ensure credentials will be available upon arrival. Details and login information to the Exhibitor Service Center will be emailed after the booth reservation is complete. Booth personnel must wear MML’s current year conference name badge at all times. All exhibitors must have at least one person staffing their booth during the hours the Expo halls are open. Additional personnel and registration changes may be completed up to May 31 via the ESC. Additional registrations or changes requested after June 9 will not be available. Expo halls will be open for business on June 23 and 24.


STAFF ACCESS: Registered booth staff may attend conference general sessions but not training workshops. To attend conference workshops, one must register as a full conference attendee. Booth staff are encouraged to participate in MML’s three conference receptions designed to provide exhibitors with multiple networking opportunities to build upon engagement in the Expo halls. These include the Sunday evening Welcome reception, the MML Main Street event Tuesday afternoon immediately after the Expo closes, and the Tuesday evening Block Party.


PAYMENT OF FEES: Exhibitors and advertisers must pay the full amount due when reserving a booth. Booth reservations will not be secured until full payment is received by the League. Payment may be made by ACH/wire transfer, American Express, Discover, MasterCard or VISA. ACH payments must be made within ten business days of submitting your booth application. Hardcopy checks will not be accepted. Credit card payments will incur a non-refundable 3% processing fee. If booth space is not fully paid by May 1, the booth will be released to other exhibitors.


TERMS: All exhibit contracts must be received by May 15, 2025, to ensure you are included in the promotional materials and have a booth sign. If applicable, advertising fees must be paid in full at the time of submission of the booth contract. Ads not meeting required specs will not be accepted. The deadline for advertising contracts is June 9 in order to receive the discounted exhibitor ad rate. By submitting a booth application, you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the League and also of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center.


CANCELATION: Applications and payments to reserve booth space are subject to Management’s cancelation policy. Requests to cancel an exhibit booth application must be submitted in writing to by May 15, 2025. 50% of the booth payment is non-refundable. Requests received by this date will be issued a 50% refund of the booth fee. No refunds will be issued for cancelation requests submitted after May 15, 2025.




INSTALLATION AND DISMANTLING: The expo set-up hours are 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday June 22. Exhibitors will be allowed to enter the expo area on Sunday, June 22 only during set-up hours. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Conference badges are not required for installation or breakdown.


Last minute, non-vehicle, set up may occur on Monday between 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. You must notify MML in advance if you plan to move in Monday morning. The exhibition opens at 10:00 a.m. on June 23 after the official ribbon cutting event.


Breaking down the booth before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24, 2025, is not allowed. Exhibitors understand that doing so will be noted and will result in a letter to the exhibiting company informing them that they will not be invited back next year. Booths must be completely dismantled by 4:00 p.m. on June 24.


VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT: Exhibitors with vehicles/equipment displays will move in June 22 between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. If the vehicle/equipment is not ready to drive into the hall during this time, entrance to the hall is at the discretion of the Convention Center staff. Vehicles/equipment along with your display and staff must easily fit within the purchased booth space or you will not be allowed into the hall. All large display vehicles and equipment will be located inside Hall C. Contact MML for earlier vehicle move in options.


FREIGHT/RENTALS/SERVICES: Freight shipments, requests for labor, electricity, carpeting, internet access, etc. Arrangements for these items must be made directly with the Ocean City Convention Center, (410) 289-8311, prior to MML’s conference. An Exhibitor Service Request and Rental Order Form will be available on the MML website and emailed to all exhibitors prior to MML’s conference.


EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITY. Exhibitor shall be liable for all storage and handling charges resulting from Exhibitor’s failure to remove exhibit materials before conclusion of the dismantling period. Exhibitors requesting the scrapping of any exhibit material shall pay any expenses involved.




CONSENT TO USE OF IMAGES: Registration and attendance at, or participation in this Conference constitutes an irrevocable agreement by the exhibitor to Management to use and distribute their image, logo, and marks in photographs, videotapes, and electronic reproductions of such events and activities for advertising, commercial promotion, or other purposes, without limitation and for no additional compensation.


FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Exhibitors shall not sell, give away, use, or distribute food or beverage without the express prior written consent and authorization of the Convention Center and Convention Center’s food service concessionaire (410-723-8619). Exhibitors are subject to food and beverage related costs from convention center’s concessionaire.


ATTENDANCE: Management shall have sole control over admission policies.


SECURITY: Uniformed security personnel will control the traffic flow during expo move-in and move-out periods. Uniformed security personnel will also be at the entrance to the expo areas and will patrol the expo areas during expo hours. Expo areas will be locked during the hours when the expo is not open. However, neither the Maryland Municipal League nor the Roland E. Powell Convention Center is responsible for any material, articles, or equipment in the expo. Small or easily portable articles of value should be properly secured or removed for safekeeping after expo hours.


FLAMMABLE MATERIALS. Exhibitor shall use no flammable fluids, substances, or materials of any nature that are prohibited by national, state, or municipal regulations.


SAFETY DEVICES. Exhibitors shall comply with national, state, and municipal regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices. Exhibitor shall comply with national, state, and municipal requirements for the operation of any equipment. Exhibitors shall obtain approval from Management for the use or display of any electrical, mechanical, or chemical device, which might be hazardous in a place of public assembly.


USE OF MML NAME. Exhibitor understands that acceptance by Management for exhibitor to participate in the Expo Hall in no way implies endorsement by Management of exhibitor’s products, equipment, or professional services. Exhibitor agrees not to use MML’s name in correspondence or other written materials without the advance written approval of MML, except to identify Exhibitor’s participation in the Expo Hall.


INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Exhibitor shall release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Management from any claims for property damage, personal injury, or death brought against Management as a result of acts, errors, or omissions of Exhibitor, its agents, or employees. Exhibitor shall release and hold harmless Management from loss, theft, damage, or destruction of Exhibitor’s goods and from any claim for injury to Exhibitor, its representatives, or employees while on the premises of the MML Summer Conference, unless such claims are solely caused by Management. Exhibitor shall release and hold harmless Management from any claim for damage to Exhibitor’s business by reason of the failure to provide space for the exhibit or the removal of the exhibit or for failure to hold the summer conference as scheduled.


DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Exhibitors shall be liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls, columns, standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitor property. Exhibitors shall not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive, or any other coating to building columns, floors, or standard booth equipment. No nails, bracing wires, tacks, hooks, screws, staples, or tape may be attached to walls, floors, or Convention Center furnishings or equipment. All property destroyed or damaged by exhibitors must be replaced to its original condition by the exhibitor at their expense.


CONFERENCE CANCELATION: In the event of cancellation of the Summer Conference due to causes beyond Management’s control, Management may retain such part of the Exhibitor’s rental as shall be required to recompense Management for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred.




DISPLAYS: Exhibitors’ displays may not obstruct the aisles or other exhibit booths. Booth displays must not exceed the 10’ x10’ booth space or exceed 8’ in height. MML and the Convention Center reserve the right to alter or remove exhibit displays that obstruct an adjoining booth or interferes with the general view ”down the aisle”. Displays along exterior walls may extend to a height of 15’ provided the display does not block or hide the view of other booths. Exhibitors are not allowed to: sublet booth space, share booth space with another company or agency, or sell their booth space to another company or agency. Hospitality rooms may not be open during scheduled conference activities.



RELOCATION OF EXHIBITS: Management reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to alter locations of Exhibitors or of booths as shown on the official floor plan if deemed advisable in the best interest of the Conference. The Expo hall floor plan is subject to change. MML reserves the right to assign/re-assign exhibit space at any time to best meet the needs of this event.


ADDITIONAL RULES/RESTRICTIONS: Exhibitors shall not distribute advertising matter outside of the Exhibitor’s rented space. Exhibitor’s furnishings shall be contained within the confines of its booth. MML reserves the right to at its own discretion, restrict, remove, redress, or eliminate at the exhibitor’s expense, any objectionable exhibits, persons, advertisements, souvenirs, or any other feature or activity that might harm or impair the high standard of MML’s conference. Exhibitor representatives wearing distinctive costumes or uniforms, or carrying banners or signs separately or as a part of their apparel, shall not appear at the Conference other than in their own booths. Exhibitors will comply with MML’s Anti-Harassment Policy or other conduct standards applicable to conference attendees. Exhibitors shall take no payment for products or services of any kind in the Expo hall. Any outside events (hospitality rooms, receptions, etc.) planned by exhibitors are not allowed to conflict with Management’s conference schedule. Management reserves the right to prohibit exhibitors from exhibiting at future conferences should they fail to comply with these rules.


DEFAULT OF OCCUPANCY. Exhibitor failing to occupy contracted-for space is not relieved of the obligation of paying the full rental of such space as provided for in this contract. If Exhibitor fails to occupy contracted-for space at the time set for completion of installation of exhibits, 4:30 p.m. on Sunday June 22, space may be forfeited to Management, in which case the Exhibitor shall pay the full rental for such space. No refunds. Management reserves the right to re-let such space. Original Exhibitor in such cases shall be liable in the amount and to the extent of the loss incurred by Management in re-letting.




AMENDMENT TO RULES. Management may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to Exhibit Rules, provided that such changes, amendments, or additions shall not operate to substantially diminish rights reserved to the Exhibitor and shall not operate to substantially increase the liability of the Exhibitor.


AGREEMENT TO RULES: Each Exhibitor, for its company and its employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and by any amendments or additions that may be established or put into effect by Management.


MML reserves the right to modify these regulations at any time to ensure the quality of our conference and the safety of our attendees.


Visit our conference website or contact Sharon Easton for details at


MML Main Street Event: As the closing general session concludes, attendees will be ushered to the MML Main Street event showcasing Maryland municipalities.


Be part of the showcase. Highlight your town on MML Main Street. The fee is $500 and includes two Municipal Tuesday staff passes and secures your table. Only 12 available, act quickly.

Municipal Tuesday registrations include full access to Tuesday workshops, the Expo, lunch, staff focused sessions, keynote speakers and general sessions.

Move in /Out

Freight handling, labor assistance, carpeting, dedicated internet access, etc., may be arranged for an additional charge directly with the Convention Center. The Expo Service and Rental Order Form containing these items/charges may be found here.


Booth displays must be contained within the 10’ x 10’ booth space and not exceed 8’ in height. Displays along the exterior walls may extend to a height of 15’ provided the display does not block or hide the view of other booths.

Exhibit Set up - Sunday

Booth Move-in: Sunday, June 22, between 12 and 4 p.m.

Vehicle Move-in: Sunday, June 22 between 8 and 12 p.m.

Badges are not required during move in hours.

Come to the Expo registration desk located inside the Expo hall to collect your credentials.

To avoid a delays at the loading dock and entry doors, all exhibitors will be assigned a move-in time slot. Details.

Halls close promptly on June 23 at 4:30 p.m.

Exhibit Set up - Monday

For exhibitors that have a small or quick booth display setup, there will be time available on Monday morning, June 23 between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. for last minute set ups. You must notify MML in advance if you plan to move in on Monday morning or your booth may be given to another vendor. Notify MML at 410-295-9100 or

Expo Hours: Monday, June 23, and Tuesday, June 24 - 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (tentative)

Exhibit Tear Down - Tuesday

Tuesday, June 24, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Breaking down the booth before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24, 2025, is not allowed. Exhibitors understand that doing so will be noted and will result in a letter to the exhibiting company informing them that they will not be invited back next year.
Booths must be completely dismantled by 4:00 p.m. on June 24.


Once packed up, we encourage you to attend two networking events: MML Main Street at 4 p.m. and the Block Party at 5 p.m.

Vehicle and Equipment Displays


All display vehicles and equipment will be located inside Expo Hall C.

Smaller vehicles and equipment may be located in Hall AB with prior authorization. Contact MML for details.

Vehicle and equipment display move in will be Sunday between 8 and 12 p.m.

Vehicles may move in on the Friday or Saturday prior to conference with approval by Convention Center. Contact MML to confirm and arrange a move in time.

Vehicles not prepared to enter during this time may be allowed into the hall at the discretion of the convention center.

Vehicles and equipment dimensions must be provided during booth registration and must easily fit within your booth space(s) along with your booth staff and display.

MML must be notified of accurate dimensions in advance to ensure your equipment will have access to your booth space on move-in day. Contact MML for more details and options.

Expo Hours / Add these to your schedule


The Expo Halls will be open for business on:


Monday, June 23 between 10 and 3 p.m. (tentative)

Tuesday, June 24 between 10 and 3 p.m. (tentative)



Sunday, June 22 between 12 noon and 4 p.m.

Sunday, June 22 between 11 and 1 p.m. for vehicles and equipment

Monday, June 23 between 8 and 9 a.m. Last minute non-vehicle set up


Exhibits must be set and ready in time for the Monday 10 a.m. Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting and Expo Tour.


MUST notify MML in advance if moving in on Monday morning.



Tuesday June 24 between 3 and 4 p.m.


Be sure to include these networking events:

Welcome Reception –
Sunday evening, 5 p.m., highly popular and well attended conference kick off

MML Main Street -
Tuesday after the Expo closes dedicated city/towns showcase

Block Party –
Stroll outdoors to the conference wrap up festival

Enjoy local food and beverages with State, local, and League leadership, Food, beverage ,and music to wind down before leaving town.

Service and Rental information

If you need items such as dedicated internet access, extra table or carpeting please use the Expo Service and Rental Order Form. These requests are handled directly with the Roland E. Powell Convention Center (410-289-2800).

Shipping Items to and from the Convention Center


The convention center staff manage and make the arrangements for all items going into or leaving from the convention center. Details here. If needed the convention center may be reached at 410-289-2800.


There will a Help table next to the Expo registration desk located inside the Expo Halls in the space between Hall AB and Hall C on Sunday (12 - 4 p.m.) and on Tuesday (3 - 4 p.m.) for onsite assistance with any non-registration related issues.


Freight handling, labor assistance, carpeting, dedicated internet access, etc., may be arranged for an additional charge directly with the Convention Center. The Expo Service and Rental Order Form containing these items/charges will be emailed prior to conference. These requests are handled directly with the Roland E. Powell Convention Center (410-289-2800).


Shipping Address:

Roland E. Powell Convention Center

4001 Coastal Highway

Ocean City, MD 21842

Hotel Information


MML has arranged for discount hotel room rates with several Ocean City hotels. These rates are only available via our hotel portal until May 23, 2025 after which the hotels may or may not honor the discounted rates.


MML has partnered with Conference Direct to manage our hotel room blocks a hotel reservation portal.


Advertising Opportunities – Exhibitor Discount

Exhibitor Deal:


Conference exhibitors may purchase advertising in the MML newsletter, the Dispatch, at a discount when registering for booth space. $50 discount per ad insertion, four ad maximum.


The Dispatch league e-newsletter is the go-to resource for events, announcements, and information affecting Maryland’s 160 local governments. Distributed weekly when the Maryland General Assembly is in session and bi-weekly the rest of the year (circ. 5,800).


For additional advertising options in the LOCAL magazine or the Digital Directory check out our Media Kit.

For their safety, children are not allowed in the Expo Halls at any time.


Only registered attendees may enter the Convention Center and Expo Halls during business hours.


Registered attendees must be 21+ years of age.

Conference Mobile App


The conference details, schedule, descriptions, updates along with access to all session and workshop details will be available via the app.


There will not be a hardcopy program.


This is the place for self promotion. Send messages to attendees. Share booth and prize photos, hype your swag.


We strongly encourage you to download the app prior to this event and use it to connect with attendees and let folks know you are here.

MML Summer Conference app may be found inside the year round League app. Search for Maryland Municipal League in your app store. The MML app is open to the public however one must be registered for the conference to gain access to the summer conference related portion of the app.

Scam Alert


All correspondence will originate from the MML office. Please be aware of offers unrelated to MML and its conferences.

  • MML does not sell attendee lists
  • MML does not contract with third party companies for display, or directory related items.
  • MML has contracted with Conference Direct to handle our group rate hotel accommodations via our hotel portal.


If you receive anything remotely suspicious please contact Steve at for confirmation.

Maryland Municipal League Summer Conference & Expo
June 23 - 25, 2024
Ocean City, Maryland